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7 meno dienos > Nr. 5 (881), 2010 vasario 05 d. > Literatūra > Bibliografinės žinios
Įvykiai: Skaityti visus Rašyti

Bibliografinės žinios

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mndwAxWLc, 2012-03-16 18:24

Q: Why is inflation bad?A: Because it drtsoits private decisions.This is the great evil of inflation? As a business or consumer, a five percent rate of inflation turns me into a blind buyer? Even today, in the age of the Internet? Add on: I may be a blind consumer, but it usually has little to do with price, but with quality.When I buy heath services, a car, a house, electronic gadgetry, even a movie or restaurant meal, I am taking a gamble. I do not know the quality of the service or good to be purchased. (Who hasn't gone to a dud movie, or had a lousy restaurant meal let alone, can you really say your doctor is a good one?)No one is arguing for wild and varying inflation above 10 percent.Mild inflation under six percent does little harm and much good.

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